The Comedians Call It 2020 Edition! 55 Great Comics Predict What’s Coming Next

Every year we poll over 50 comics to find out who will be the next big thing in the upcoming year, but this year,  shits too weird to try to figure out who will bust out and have a gigantic year in 2021. Besides, we feel like everyone predicted to blow up in 2020 deserves another year to make that happen.

So this year, just for this one year, we’re skipping that.  You want to know whose next to break big? Check out last year’s list.

This year we asked 54 comics “What Did You Miss Most in 2020 During Quarantine?”, “What’s Next in Comedy?”, “What Are You Looking Forward to Most in 2021?’ and “Is Stand-Up Coming Back?”

To recap year’s past– In 2014, our comedy friends told us that Joe List and Nate Bargatze were going to be the guys to explode in 2015, and they did- in fact Nate went on to win Stand Up Comedian of the Year in 2015. In 2015, everyone was talking about Greg Stone and he’s become one of our favorite young comics. In 2016 year the word on the street was that Tim Dillon was going to be big, and now everyone knows what a killer he is. In 2017 Dina Hashem, Ryan Hamilton and Ian Fidance got big love. Now Ryan is a big headliner with a hit Netflix special, Dina got national attention and Ian is touring with Dave Attell, and he’s a frequent guest on every radio show we know. Last year,  Fahim Anwar and Katie Hannigan and Jessica Kirson got the buzz.  Kirson had a huge 2019 and everyone’s predicting she’ll have an even bigger 2020 and we also saw love for Bonnie McFarlane, and Tim Dillon to be the next big thing.  Kirson fever is spreading (one sure sign that you are getting somewhere in your career is when people try to cancel you), McFarlane put out a KILLER album in 2020 that made our top ten list, and Tim Dillon made our list of the biggest innovators in 2020, so we’re on track for those predictions to come true.  2021 should be gigantic for all three of them. Also predicted in our 2019 list- a big big year for Robyn Schall, and she broke big this year with her viral videos.


Also don’t forget to vote on the best of everything in comedy this year– books, albums, specials, stand up of the year and more! And read all of our 2020 year in comedy coverage here.


Corinne Fisher (@philanthropygal)

I’ve missed nothing in 2020. This is so fucked up but I haven’t. I’ve spent more time with myself than I’ve ever spent with anyone and its been a complete dream and I’ve really bonded with my dog on a spiritual level. I want to do stand up again, but you know, I can entertain myself. Happy New Year!

Dan Soder (@dansoder)

I miss stand up comedy. I miss going and doing stand up comedy. I missed being able to go do spots in the city. Go on the road. I know its a selfish answer, but its the truth. I fucking miss doing stand up. I miss just everything about it. I miss going to the clubs, I miss seeing the staffs at the clubs, I miss seeing comics that I thought I was much better friends with. Turns out…we’re work buddies. People really found out who their friends were this year. But yeah, I miss stand up.

David Cross (@davidcrosss)

Oh man I miss so many things. I miss riding the subway. I miss traveling, I really miss traveling. Like I used to bitch about it all the time. You konw like oh I gotta go to the airport and I’m only gone for three days then I gotta go back to the airport. Man I really miss that. I miss the airport! I miss the airport?! WHAT? Yeah. I miss the airport. And uh..bars. More than anything. It’s weird because I’ve been drinking— I already drank a lot but I’ve been drinking more since Covid, but more inside by myself. That’s not good. Um, I miss, yeah more than anything being able to go out and do sets. I did a couple of outdoor shows, but that’s not even remotely the same and…but yeah I miss doing stand up. I miss going to hot sweaty dank underground basements in brooklyn and doing stand up and being in a cramped green room with beer thats getting warmer by the second. But I really miss it a lot.

Eddie Pepitone (@eddiepepitone)

What I miss most – its a very close tie between having in person meetings with my astrologer, and my urologist. I know that doesn’t sound like something that you would miss but my astrologer can only be seen in person, she will not do it outside the office. And my urologist, well he just had a golden touch.

Joe DeRosa (@joederosacomedy)

As a stand up comedian what I miss most is the roar of the crowd, the thrill of stepping on stage, the excitment the anticipation before a show when you’re going to break out some material that they may or may not— I’m fucking around. Can you believe how many dildo comedians said that in 2020? That that’s what they missed? Really? It wasn’t your mom and dad? It wasn’t the dog you haven’t seen in eight months because its at your nanas house and you thought you were going to be able to pick it up next week and then this shit hit and you couldn’t go back and get it. Wasn’t going to your favorite bar? Wasn’t going out on dates? Wasn’t socializing with the people you love? No it was stepping on stage at a comedy club in front of a bachelorette party so you could tell your dumb dick jokes? Fucking comedians. You know what I dont miss in 2020? Comedians. How bout that. That’s what I don’t miss.

Krystyna Hutchinson (@Krystynahutch)

What have I missed? Or what will I miss about 2020 is the alone time. And the no opportunities to feel FOMO cause there’s nothing the hell going on. I’m somebody who feels FOMO a lot and that was highlighted this past year by me missing it. And what I look forward to in 2021 is hopefully one day having sex. It’s been nine months.

Marina Franklin (@marinayfranklin)

The thing I miss most in 2020 is comics yelling at me at the Comedy Cellar table, specifically Keith Robinson telling me to SHUT MY TRAP!


Mike Cannon (@iammikecannon)

Above all else, earning a liveable wage. That’s probably something I would like to have that has gone away with the pandemic. Also sharing weed which is a shocking thing that I didn’t think I was going to miss. I am a big fan of pot but i think of it as a communal medicine. It’s not a drug but its a communal medicine that I like to participate in with my friends. And now even though I’m getting more weed it feels like I’m switching from beer to alcohol because I’m just getting far too high when I’m trying to just scale back the danger.

Mike Vecchione (@comicmikev)

The thing I missed most in 2020 is seeing people’s face tattoos. I mean, these people went through a lot of trouble to get face tattoos. Probably joined a gang or some kind of a criminal organization or something. And now I can’t even see them because they’re like the rest of us, just covered in a mask. The reason they got a face tattoo was to terify people and now they can’t even do that. In addition, there’s something more frightening out there- a disease thats killing all of us. So, I mean, its crazy. I want to see the face tattoos. I miss it. And I wish everybody a happy holiday.

Paul Morrissey (@paulmorrissey)

What I’m looking forward to most in 2021 is getting to be around poeple. I’m going to see everyone’s band even if its really bad, I’m going to go. I might even start my own band. I’m going to go to random people’s houses like John Belushi used to do after a few drinks. Just knock on people’s doors and see if they have food and sit back and get to know people again. And travel! And I”m looking forward to performing all over the place. And also I want to see the new Spiderman movie. I’m sure its going to be COVID based. It’s just going to be Spiderman in a grocery store shooting webs.

Rich Vos (@richvos)

One of the things I really miss is walking to a comedy club and all the comics in there and I show up and I bring enjoyment to all those comics, you know, they see me coming they go ooooh, thank god, here comes Vos, someone that we respect. A major comic. Someone that is fun to sit and talk with. You know I miss carrying the message of comedy to these younger lads. I also, HOLD ON CAN YOU TURN THE VACCUUM OFF? I’M MAKING A CALL. Scuse me. Sorry. I don’t miss that. What else. What do I miss. I miss after the shows, after we did a big show, like the Kreeps with Kids Tour, I miss selling my CDs. I have six CDs. Six of them and I miss selling them because the people want more of me. You know what I’m saying? So I miss that and interacting with the fan. For them, not for me. So the fan can go home and go, oh wow, I talked to vos. Boy this CD, he has six of them. I miss going on the road and playing the best golf courses because you know they would go, oh, rich vos called. Yeah, give him a tee time. I would get on courses that the average person can’t go on because who I am. I’m just saying these are the little things. And i dont want it to be about me but you asked what do I miss so, I dont know. I guess that’s a couple things I miss. That fucking vaccuum. Holy fuck. You know what else I miss? Being funny during call ins. I miss that.

Sam Morril (@sammorril)

The thing I miss the most are my dreams. That’s what I miss. Not feeling like a housewife in the 50’s. That’s what COVID has done to me cause all I do is cook clean and do the dishes. And say bye bye dreams.

Tom Papa (@tompapa)

What I miss most is doing live stand up shows. Standing in the meet and greet line. And making out with strangers. I’ve been married a long time. And to not be able to make out with strangers, is a crushing blow. I can’t wait to get back.



Big Jay Oakerson (@bigjayoakerson)

I do believe that after all this covid and quarantine is over, that comedy is going to come back, big. Big Big Big. I know from the limited amount I’ve done shows during this time how much people coming out are ravenous for it, and they want to escape. And I’m saying that, because I’m feeling positive, because I just smoked pot.

Don Jamieson (@realdonjamieson)

I totally think stand up is coming back. You know there’s a lot of peaks and valleys in what we do. But we really are the only performers who are out working again in the last few months. Bands aren’t working. Broadway’s not on. Most of hollywood’s shut down other than the crazy actresses who are all political experts now. But comics have been working a little bit, so when the doors fling open again I think we’ll be sharp, we’ll be ready and quite honestly, even working at a small capacity, the crowds have been great. Nobody is stumbling in these shows by accident— oh its date night lets go see a comedian and they dont know who you are and they’re offended. People who are coming to the comedy shows are coming to laugh, they want you to hit them with everything you’ve got. Give me the non PC stuff and they’ve been better than ever. So I think things look good.

Emma Willmann (@iamemmawillmann)

I one hundred billion quatrillion all the numbers put together times a thousand think that stand up is coming back. I have no iota of one smidge of a doubt about it. And to put it in context, this time last year my prediction for the person who was going to have a breakout year was Robyn Schall and about three weeks ago she had a bunch of videos go viral. She was on Instagram Live with Katie Couric. She popped up. So I know literally nothing but I was right about Robyn and I know I’m right about this. There’s no way that stand up the medium will not be back and just everything that it ever was.

Josh Gondelman (@Joshgondelman)

I think stand up is definitely coming back once its safe. I think it is a real shame the way the government has failed to support performers and venues by making this hiatus financially possible for all of the people and I think we’ve lost a lot of great venues. But I think once it is safe for people to go back to shows, I think people are clamoring for it. Honestly, I think there’s a lot of people that would go now, but that just doesn’t seem super advisable. So I’m excited for stand up to come back. I think its going to come back and I hope I’m right because I miss it.

Louie Anderson (@LouieAnderson)

I do think stand up comedy is going to come back. You don’t think it could ever leave? It’s one of the 5 best entertainment groups like five food groups. Stand Ups definitely a needed and an important part of show business. It may not come back in the same format, and it may take longer for people to figure that out but its coming back. I’ll give you an example. I thought it wasn’t going to happen at all, the Friday after thanksgiving a performing arts center asked me if I would come down and do two shows outside, social distanced, and I said yes. So it gives me great hope and thats my proof. People are not going to let stand up go away. You let stand up go away and we’re going to be living in a fascist communist or some kind of dictatorship. So we need stand up. We need to be able to make fun of each other. And we need to laugh. That’s the best vaccine out there.

Paul Virzi (@PaulVirzi)

I think of course stand up comedy is going to come back after all of this. I think anybody who doesn’t think so is not paying attention. Why are podcasts so big right now. Podcasts are so big people a lot of people aren’t able to go out and see people perform. But if you love podcasts and if you love radio and satellite, and you listen to these people and whats going to happen when its over, and then they’re out at your lcoal comedy clubs and or theaters, you’re going to come out and see them. So absolutely comedy is coming back stronger than ever just like America in the roaring 20’s. Anybody that doesn’t think so is fucking nuts.

Robert Kelly (@robertkelly)

This is Robert Kelly, aka Bob Kelly, aka The Dude, aka, Kreeps with Kids, aka Chubbs, aka spiff, aka I broke my knee dude. There’s a lot of aka’s. But the question is, will comedy come back after COVID is finished. And I have to say, abso-fucking-lutely. It will be back. It’s going to be like after the fuckin great depression. Everything came back. Everything was back in full force. No..that’s not the example. It’s like when after Pearl Har…no thats’ not it. After the FLU! There you go. After the flu. If everybody remembers the flu fucked everybody up, everything got shut down. They were wearing those big horse faced masks, and everybody’s dying of influenza. And then they got the stupid thing…the the the the the shot. And the vaccine and everybody took it and it was all over and what happened. The roaring twenties, that’s what happened. The roaring twenties when everybody lost their mind, went out and spent money and live music and…all kinds of fun stuff. And that’s what’s going to happen. We’re all going to go back and we’re going to lose our minds and go back to comedy and dancing and sex without condoms and all that stuff. It’s going to great for around ten years, and then the world will end. We’ll all die, and there will be a few people left and the people with money- the four families with money are going to be left dictating what the rest of us do. So there you go, there will be a civil war, and then we’ll all die, but thats not going to be for like ten years. So as soon as this is over we’ll be back. It’s going to be back like the roaring twenties. That’s my prediction, we’re going to kill it for ten years, and then we’ll have a civil war and a world war 3 will happen and everybody will die then. So enjoy yourself, it’s coming. Alright? That’s my prediction. I could be wrong.

Sarah Tollemache. (@stollemache)

I think stand up will come back after all this. My reasoning is, we were still able to do quite a bit of stand up and tape specials even during a pandemic and I feel quite hopeful of a vaccine, and yeah, I think comics are so desperate that we’re like cockroaches. We’ll figure out a way to survive. So yeah, stand up will come back after this.

Sean Donnelly (@seanytime)

I do think stand up is coming back, or I should say I hope because its my job and I hope I have a job when all this is over. But also I think its coming back because stand up has found a way to survive even during this even though its at a fraction of the amount. So i think what will happen is it will come back. People will be excited. I think things that have happened during this will become more commonplace. Maybe the zoom shows will stick around. Outdoor shows will definitely be more of a thing than they were before covid, so yes I definitely think it will be back. It will look a little bit different but it will be almost the same animal you knew from before.



Brad Williams (@funnybrad)

Fuck 2020, I’m looking forward to the hang. The hang at the Comedy Store or the Comedy Cellar. Any of these big name comedy clubs. I’m looking forward to the hang. I took for granted the hang. I took for granted that every week in between my road dates I can go to these comedy clubs and hang out with the most brilliant most wonderful most hilarious people on the planet and just hang out and talk with them and share stories and have a great time. I can’t tell you how much I love my wife, I love her more than anything. But man she can’t hold a candle to these comedians telling stories. Not as good.

Casey Balsham (@caseybalsham)

Just being inside with more than one person. My dreams have all of a sudden become attainable. I used to want to be someone and now I just want to sit in a diner and eat pancakes with two people. So that’s it. If I can check sitting in a diner with friends off in 2021, I will have lived a fulfilled life.

Claire Parker (@sorrydontclaire)

I’m looking forward to the post-pandemic orgy. The one day when everyone gets to do whatever they want. Hall passes universally.

Dan Perlman (@danjperlman)

A lot of things. A vaccine would be nice. I would like one and if other people can get them I guess that would be cool too. And then we could be around people and maybe do comedy again, that’d be fun. That’s the big thing. I’m sure they’ll be some new shows or whatever, I dont really watch much but that’d be nice, if there’s some good shows. I guess it would just be good to be indoors again because I don’t love the idea of doing comedy under a bridge and stuff. So Im looking forward to that maybe changing. Also just looking forward to- I’d love not hearing about Trump anymore. Once he leaves. I just want to be very ignorant to what’s going on again, and I would love to not know who the government’s director of infectious disease stuff is. As soon as we sort that stuff out that would be good. Also I’m supposed to film a tv show next year, so i’m looking forward to that also provided the Earth doesn’t melt before then. And that’s the main stuff.

Dave Hill

I’m looking forward to just basic things like someone saying, Hey do you want to get a drink or do you want to get coffee? And I’ll be like, yeah sure, and then we’ll just walk in somewhere and just do that thing. I could go have dinner with Todd Barry, from Show Business. But what I’m most looking forward to is walking into the Bennington Show studios, sitting down with all of you guys. Isn’t that a kiss ass answer? Its true though.

Derek Gaines (@derek1gaines)

I want to see that this quote unquote vaccine doesn’t turn everybody into goddamn I Am Legend Zombies. I’m talking zombies that can run and jump and they can boil in the sun and still try to chew you up. I hope to god that they really did something cool and nothing bad. And people get better intstead of sick.

Dina Hashem (@dinahashem_)

Moving out of my mom’s house, which quarantine and the pandemic forced me into. I’m looking forward to stand up coming back which will facilitate moving back out of my moms. And I’m looking forward to the explosion of my podcast, Dead Quiet, which I started during the quarantine. And if it does explode I will no longer need to do stand up. So that’s what I’m looking forward to.

Doug Benson (@dougbenson)

I’m looking forward to getting back to New York and seeing the Benningtons. So I want that to be a part of my life again. As far as entertainment wishes, I’m hoping that Edgar Wright’s new movie Last Night in Soho that happens to star Ana Taylor Joy from Queen’s Gambit— that movie was supposed to come out in September, and its not been delayed till April 23, 2021 so I’m hoping that it comes out as scheduled and I’m looking forward to it. I’m also looking forward to a movie where the trailer just dropped recently. Bob Odenkirk has made a John Wick type action movie called Nobody and that’s coming out in February so I’m looking forward to that. And on the tv side, I’m hoping for more of a show called Wayne that is now on Amazon Prime. It started as a show on YouTube when they were making shows and that channel went away so this show was orphaned, much like Wayne is the main character in the show. But its a really violent and funny show that is now on Amazon Prime, the first season, and I’m hoping that they step up and make another one. I’m looking forward to Season Two of Ted Lasso. I’m not a sports guy at all, so it took me awhile to get into Ted Lasso and then around episode 4 I was suddenly hooked and now I can’t get enough of it. And finally, I hope the bird my neighbor owns that chirps beautifully all day and all night dies in 2021

Earl Skakel (@earlskakel)

A few things. Looking forward to doing stand up again, I miss it a lot. Looking forward to going to hockey games, becuase I miss live sporting events. And although I saved a lot of money in 2021 by not going to concerts, I can’t wait to go see the Killers, and Ratt and Motley Crew, Poison, Def Leppard, and just to be around people again because I’m going crazy and I was crazy enough as it is.

Greg Stone (@gregstone__)

Not much. My life- I am the man of quarantine now and his is how I want to live the rest of my life. I don’t want to leave the house. I’m doing well, I’m eating better. I’m spending time with my wife. I hope it never ends. I want to live, well I guess I would like to get back to this deli that’s by my house. They’ve got a really good roast beef sandwich and the guy refuses to come in for any of this. What is Greg Stone really excited about? My deli opening in 2021.

Jade Catta Preta (@jadecattapreta)

Because I’m a dirty Brazilian, I just want to kiss and hug my friends. Gosh I never thought I would miss that so much! Even strangers, I just want to grab their cheeks and just put my lips up to them and not get anything that could kill me. So, I look forward to a little bit of touch. 2021 here we go.

Jared Freid (@jtrain56)

The return of casual. Casual beers, casual sex, casual meetups with friends. All of that has been gone for so long that the idea of walking into.a bar, and being like can I have a beer and looking down at your phone and not being told that you have to order one entree, is the biggest luxury I could ever imagine in 2021. So the return of casual is all I want in 2021.

Joe Machi (@joemachi)

I’m looking forward to going back to all you can eat restaurants. I have been getting less fat, so there is less of me to love. I miss judging people’s faces, hopefully we can get back to that again, and I would like to be able to get back to do stand up without people judging people for going to work.

Liz Miele (@lizmiele)

Don’t you feel like that would normally be a silly stupid answer and now its like- my family. It’s really heartfelt. And its not my family, in any year. I miss my friends, I look forward to hugging my friends, and I don’t even like hugging people. I look forward to comedy. I miss being in an audience and being hit in the face with laughter when I tell a joke as opposed to this format where I’m like…anything? Does anybody feel anything? Should I lose faith? Should I be excited? I guess I didn’t realize how much feedback I needed both from a comedic way but also from my friends. I thought facetiming would be enough but I miss em. I fucking miss my friends and I miss performing, so I’m hoping 2021 will give me back what I used to have.

Mary Beth Barone (@marybethbarone)

Feeling great coming off stage after a set and being approached by an audience member, lets say he’s straight, white and male and he gives me unsolicited notes on my set. That’s how much I miss performing, I’m even ready to be accosted by random audience members.

Mike Feeney (@iammikefeeney)

Besides being back in studio with Ron and Gail Bennington? Here’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Ceilings. Performing in places that have Ceilings in 2021. I know it sounds crazy and its not a high aspiration, but after this year of yelling in the park, ceilings is my answer.

Scott Rogowksy (@scottrogowsky)

I think like most comedians I’m looking forward to actually getting back inside comedy clubs; going to shows. I can’t tell you how much this pandemic and quarantine has made me appreciate just the simple joys of going out and seeing my friends perform, doing a spot somewhere. New York City especially has so many great venues. I hope there are going to be..I know that some of them have closed, Creek and the Cave and UCB. Geez I just hope the rest of them can survive this and open their doors again, because, I’m ready to support.

Tammy Pescatelli (@tammypescatelli)

2021, that’s what I’m looking forward to. I can’t wait. This can’t come fast enough. We should double time and get out of it. I can’t handle 2020 any more. It’s over, its’ done. Although I will say thank you Ron for my Unmasked, I realily appreciate that. I’m looking forward to 2021 happening and going out and making people laugh. Let’s go. Lets sit next to each other with our bandaid vaccine shots touching.

Tommy Johnagin (@tommyjohnagin)

I’m assuming just leaving my house isn’t an acceptable answer but that’s top right now, I would just like to leave my home. Other than that I’m looking forward to some live sporting events I think. I just started taking my kids to some basketball games last year so I’m really looking forward to that coming back and being able to catch the next virus early in a huge crowd like that so I think that’s what I’m going for. But I’m looking forward to getting into a club, staying up late, ubering around with a stranger, having some drinks and doing some comedy.


Amy Miller (@amymiller)

We got vaccines coming so get ready for a lot of bad tour names. I think those of us who have been grounded for a year are going to be really excited to get back out. There’s going to be a lot of tours like I’M VACCINATED! or SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS! or ONLY THE LAUGHTER’S CONTAGIOUS! We’re going to do a lot of dumb shit and go to places where we actually dont care if the audience is vaccinated themselves because we want to perform and if we don’t we’ll die. So give me the first needle available so I can get back on the road. Just brace yourself for a lot of bad puns.

Anthony DeVito (@anthonydevito_)

My joke answer is i think comedians are all going to be come sex criminals with onlyfans accounts. But my real answer is taht yeah I do think for some people its going to realign their priorities in terms of whether they really want to do more podcasting than stand up or venturing off into other comedy related things that aren’t necessarily stand up, but I’ve enjoyed the pace of it, I’ll say that. I definitely was feeling burnt out so its been kind of nice to take a step back and work on other things that I couldn’t give attention to while doing so much stand up. So hopefully some really good stuff comes out of this thats not necessarily stand up. From people that you normally just associate with that.

Ari Shaffir (@arishaffir)

A lot of comics are going to quit and they’re not going to quit to go back to a day job, they’re going to quit to financially greener pastures. They’re going to put more emphasis on their podcasts, videos, stuff like that. Because shows have been slashed. Audiences have been slashed. But, the good thing is, for the people who are left in stand up comedy its going to be an interesting time. Two things are going to happen. One, you are going to see more and more turncoats among comedians especially among comedians who aren’t doing it every day but still some comics who are. You’re going to see a lot of comics betraying each other. Saying this joke was over the line or that joke was not cool or untowards. But the cool thing is, for every comic who is a sellout punk who decides to betray the artform they do, they return for some extra hits off the backs of people who worked really hard, there’s going to be a comedy audience who is going to love those people. The comedy audience is going to say hey, I’m actually looking for comics who dont give a fuck about whats correct and whats not correct. I’m here for the things that make me gasp. I get enjoyment out of that. So for every audience member who has never gonna be an audience member who now never will be an audience member there will now be a couple more who will now go, this is the kind of shit I like. Kind of like the first time you saw SNL when you were 14 years old and you’re like woah was this always here? this speaks to me! So I think its going to be a great place, where dangerous comedy is fucking back. Where the repercussions are severe but the rewards are even more severe. So i think its a great time to be a stand up comic. And for those of us who manage to overcome this pandemic that the jews started almost a year ago today in wuhan china as an experiment to help take over, are going to reap those rewards and I”m really excited about whats coming. And, as always, Luis J Gomez will continue to mire himself in mediocrity.

Avery Pearson (@funnyavery)

No more zoom shows. none. dont. no. no more. not a one. the delayed laughter, god. The jokes about, there’s no item minimum in your kitchen. Keep your voices down but your spirits up! Don’t clap cause it will carry in the audio feed. Adn it wont work. No more zoom shows thats whats next. I dont even know…peopel will find a way to always be entertained. More videos I guess. More music videos, more comedy music videos by me, there will be that. And no zoom shows. I think there’s got to be some kind of ban or something. Maybe that’s the first thing biden will do. That would have been a great platform to stand on. Listen everybody, we will get through this together, and the best way to get through this is by wearing a mask. Wear a mask. Want to go see a comedy show? Wear a mask today. I wear it in bed when I’m with my wife and we’re having our special time. I wear a mask.

Bonnie McFarlane (@bonniemcfarlane)

What’s coming is, well we haven’t even had the floods yet. So the floods are on the way and I’m going to really try to get ahead of this and be a comic who can swim pretty effortlessly and I’m practicing now, I dont know if you can hear it. 2021! I’m ready! Coming for you!

Christi Chiello (@christichiello)

I have two words for you. Christie Chiello. That is what’s coming next in stand up comedy. But really, I think what’s next is live shows, venues packed with audience members who are vaccinated and want to be there and I am so looking forward to when the world opens up again and we can continue to do live stand up comedy. I’m sick of the Zoom show. I dont want stand up to turn into tik tok. And I”m really excited for the world to pick back up again. Good things ahead, I’m feeling good about the future of stand up.

Gary Gulman (@garygulman)

I think that when things get tight and the stages are limited, it will be harder to break out so the people who do break out are going to be innovative and really strong. So I think as far as the evolution of the art form, I think this will propel it forward.

Ian Fidance (@ianimal)

A lot of zooms. A lot of twitch. A lot of livestreams. A lot of IG live. I think thats going to last a little while until we can get the vaccines and go out again. And I think teh clubs and bar shows and different performance spaces will slowly allow people in once people get more and more comfortable with going outside and being in groups. And I hope it starts out at 25% capacity, 50, 75 percent and then that will give us something to look forward to, to having everything be full and back to the way it was as long as those cocksuckers Cuomo and Deblasio allow it to happen those pieces of shit.

Jim Florentine (@MrJimFlorentine)

I think by the Summer 2021 I think clubs will be back to at least 50 to 75% capacity around the country. It’s just a matter of when people feel comfortable about being back inside sitting kind of close to people. I think by the end of the year 2021 I think we’ll be 85 to 90% good on where we were. I think people will want to come out to the clubs and be excited to be back and laugh and get a lot of that shit off their minds. So I think that’s where comedy’s going , we just gotta wait it out a few more months.

Joe List (@joelistcomedy)

A massive explosion of the best comedy we’ve ever seen of all time ever. Not from me, cause I haven’t written a joke in ten months and i’ve only done 11 sets because it was cold outside. But somebody is going to really be funny soon. And I’m going to go into accounting or something like that. So stay tuned.

Josh Adam Meyers (@joshadammeyers)

I realize that it doesn’t make a difference what I think is going to happen to comedy, it only matters what Sarah Cooper thinks is going to happen to comedy Because she is now our Queen and savior of all things funny in the world and we all must kneel before her like she is Zod in Superman 2. Also I think its going to probably be a lot of us just producing our own shit. Yeah, w gotta do it. We gotta do everything. No more middlemen. We dont need big companies to pay us. We can do it. We can sell the tickets directly to the consumer, we can give the special directly to teh consumer. its the one good thing to come out of this bullshit of a year. But its really not that bad. The Wizards got Russell Westbrook. I think thats pretty cool.

Matteo Lane (@matteolane)

I think comedy is going to have a revolution on Twitch. And basically saying that because Yameneika Saunders and I need people to start following us on Twitch. My name is Matteo Mariah and we’re just going to be playing Fornight and doing comedy and screaming at each other while also trying to find guns and fight people and steal helicopters and just have a goddamn blast. But thats it for me. I mean who the hell knows. We’re probably going to have an asteroid flying towards earth and I want to be playing fortnight before I die because I’m basically a 12 year old kid. So that’s what I think.

Nate Bargatze (@natebargatze)

I think its going to be good man, I think comedy thrives when times are tough and people are going to want to get out when we can get out and see shows. And they want to laugh and its going to be, comedy is going to get better because people are going to want to laugh more than just get lectured at. So comics are going to have to really step it up. I think its going to be good times going forth. I do also think Luis J Gomez is going ot have more power than most people want.

Pete Lee (@peteleetweets)

I think comedy is going to have to move back to its hometown for a little while and live with its parents and maybe sneak out the basement bedroom window just to go out and see girls at night. And comedy is going to have to drive UBER for awhile. Cause it can’t find any other job, but, comedy is going to get into a car crash while driving UBER and then Joe Rogan is going to invite comedy onto the Joe Rogan Podcast and thats actually going to be comedy’s big break and comedy is going to become famous again. So in 2021 comedy will be back because it gets to go on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Seaton Smith (@seatonsmith)

I’m telling you, the future of comedy is going to be big brother style. Cameras in your house and there’s going to be speakers built in. And us just talking about your life and the demeaning you constantly so you can forget you’re alive.