Irish Comic Dylan Moran On Conan’s Couch


Dylan Moran brought his comedy from his home in Scotland to Conan O’Brien’s couch on Thursday night. The Irish born comedian sat in on Conan and talked about a variety of things including why he looks noticeably bigger now to anyone familiar with him. He’s finally quit smoking. That’s an activity that had consumed a lot of his life or at least any time he was awake. Of course with kicking his smoking habit, came the natural weight gain from “finding other things to put in his mouth”. Dylan also explained that his weight gain has affected his home life especially with his son who now has a comeback for when Dylan is lecturing him.

You can see Dylan Moran’s conversation with Conan below where they also discuss the U.S. Presidential campaign from an outsider’s point of view. He and his friends in Europe are stunned by the rise Trump and all wish they were able to vote in the upcoming election.  Not that he’s a Hillary fan. You can find out why he thinks she’s energy efficient and also he unlocks the secret behind Donald Trump’s smile.

Dylan Moran is performing across the U.S. starting next month with his “Off The Hook Tour”. He’ll be making stops in New York, DC, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philly, Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco. You can take advantage of seeing this very funny Irishman in America by getting tickets at his website,