Watch Joe DeRosa Promote His New Pop Up Sandwich Shop

Comedian, horror movie aficionado, sandwich man.

Nationally headlining comic Joe DeRosa has a new side hustle. He partnered with The Stand Comedy Club and Restaurant in New York City to sell sandwiches. The pop up venture is named Joey Roses and begins operation today.

DeRosa, always unpredictable, claims his luscious sandwiches could be crucial to your mental, physical and spiritual help in the commercial for the new pop up shop that will operate from noon till 4pm daily.

“Roses” promises homemade bread, and top quality ingredients that could possibly keep you out of jail.

He’s offering eight sandwiches, and selling them for eight bucks a pop. Watch and then for gods sake, go to Joey Roses, not Subway. Don’t be like Jared, be like Joey.

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