Maria Bamford Stand Up on the Late Show

maria bamford stand up late show

The great and beloved Maria Bamford performed stand up on The Late Show Friday night and explained why she is a raccoon –which some of you might not understand, but that’s not all.  She also explained sex in a way we can all understand. Her stand up is some of the funniest most original material you will ever see performed and she is a national and a natural treasure.

Stephen Colbert also sat down and talked with Bamford, who he says, point blank,  is his absolutely favorite stand up comedian on the planet. For those who may have been experiencing their first Maria Bamford television encounter, he explained that she is deeply troubled, she has a lot of voices, and is very open about various mental health issues.  You will absolutely want to watch the entire appearance. Stephen shares a photo of a young Maria, while she describes what life was like growing up for her.  Maria explains the difference between violent unwanted thoughts syndrome and psychosis, in a way you’d never imagined you’d be hearing it.

You’ve seen all her concert specials, you’ve seen her on Louie and Arrested Development, and her web series The Maria Bamford Show, and you can’t wait until her own Netflix series Lady Dynamite is releasedlater this year, it’s Maria Bamford, @Bamfoo on twitter.

Remember, God can’t get you if you’re singing.



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