A Piece Of Paper Folded In Half 103 Times As Thick As The Universe!?


The rule has always been that you can’t fold a piece of paper in half more than 8 times. However if you had a piece of paper large enough and enough energy to keep folding it,  the thickness of the paper would eventually be larger than the size of the entire observable universe. And it would reach that size in just 103 folds! With just over 100 folds, the thickness of the paper would be equal to 93 billion light-years. The reason for this is exponential growth.

Here’s how the thickness of the paper would grow due to exponential growth. The average paper thickness in 1/10th of a millimeter (0.0039 inches.) When you perfectly fold the paper in half, you will double its thickness.

Folding the paper in half a third time will get you about the thickness of a nail.

Seven folds will be about the thickness of a notebook of 128 pages.

10 folds and the paper will be about the width of a hand.

23 folds will get you to one kilometer—3,280 feet.

30 folds will get you to space. Your paper will be now 100 kilometers high.

42 folds will get you to the Moon.

51 takes you to the Sun.

81 folds and your paper will be 127,786 light-years, almost as thick as the Andromeda Galaxy, estimated at 141,000 light-years across.

Finally, at 103 folds, you will get outside of the observable Universe, which is estimated at 93 billion light-years in diameters.

Now go get high.  You’re going to need it.

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