Doesn’t Klingon Belong to All of Us?

spockA lawsuit may determine once and for all whether Klingon is a real language. The question arises in a lawsuit brougt by Paramount against the creators of an unauthorized Star Trek movie. They’re being sued over the use of the Kirk character, gold shirts, and more, but the Klingon language is at the center of the heated debate. Is it a real language that everyone can use and can’t be owned? Or scripted dialogue subject to copyright. Paramount’s attorney argued “A language is only useful if it can be used to communicate with people, and there are no Klingons with whom to communicate.” A group called the Language Creation Society says the language has taken on a life of its own, used by thousands.

HIQaH! QaH! tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh’a’?


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