Roseanne Canceled After Racist Tweet

ABC has canceled the Roseanne reboot after the star deleted and then apologized for a racist tweet. Her managers, ICM have dropped her as a client. Hollywood has reacted almost universally praising the decision.

Roseanne already deleted a tweet attacking a former advisor to President Obama, but the tweet upset so many and brought such strong backlash that the Barr has announced she’s leaving Twitter.

Barr attacked Valerie Jarrett, and was replying to a tweet that accused Valerie of covering up Obama scandals. She wrote “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” with the vj referring to Jarrett. Roseanne responded to comments that her tweet was racist by simply saying “Muslims r NOT a race”.

She apologized for her tweet, saying it was just a joke in a later tweet saying, “I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.” Soon after she tweeted that she is leaving the social media network.

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