Dave Attell Celebrated His Birthday at the Central Park Zoo With a Goat

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Dave Attell, one of the funniest men on the entire planet, represented New York City Thursday night killing on Conan. He’s 51 years old. That’s past the days of booze and strippers, he said, so he celebrated his most recent birthday at the Central Park Zoo, yes, there is a photo.

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Attell explained a few reasons he’s not really a west coast guy –it’s too ‘nice’, he’s not into hot air balloons, and it gets confusing as a comic when you’re in a town with legalized recreational marijuana. “What should I do, do they need jokes? should I just juggle? How am I gonna get paid? Are they gonna pay me in money or pot brownie and tickles?”

You need to watch these clips. First, you’re going to hear more owl jokes than you’ve ever heard in your life, and that’s a good thing. You’re also going to learn a lot about hummus, and the role of food truck operators in a town where pot is legal, and why you don’t need to buy a lizard as a pet.  And if you ever wanted an education on Dave’s nutsack, you are in for a true treat.

Watch more late night tv comedy clips.