Big Brothers! BB21: Epsiode 2 The Hateful Gr8ful

This is week two of the brand new Big Brothers podcast with Power of Vito Calise and Adam Poch. Vito and Adam are here to talk Big Brother game with you all season and let you know what you’re missing out on feeds by keeping their eyes on the twitters, reddits and jokers updates pages.

In the first weeks preview episode featuring Matt Hoffman, the Big Brothers really seemed hopeful about this year’s cast. Unfortunately their hopes were not delivered and we may have one of the most unlikable casts in a very long time. Power of Vito and Adam start right off talking about Jack and Jackson, this season’s power hungry bros who have gotten heat outside of the house for comments they made inside of it. These guys are the head of the 8 person alliance named “Gr8ful” that seems to be running things … for now.

Power of Vito and Adam also give their surprise houseguest pick, someone they did not expect to be playing as good of a game as they are, find out who they chose by listening to the episode but keep in mind, they still may hate this player as a person.

We are about over week into the season and we have our latest twist, “Camp Comeback” where players who get evicted remain in the game while they try to battle their way back in. Power of Vito and Adam Poch discuss how this could help or hurt people’s gameplay and how detrimental this could have been in seasons past.

Some other topics for the episode include Ovi being naïve, Bella’s multiple alliances, who the only likable people in the house are and some past to present houseguest comparisons.

Big Brothers is available every week on the Interrobang.Com and on iTunes, and can be followed on Twitter @BigBrothersPod.

Read Adam Poch’s weekly rankings at Big Brother Network.

Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 21 Week 1

Read more comedy news.