Tape Surfaces From 1977 to Discredit Bill O’Reilly

Embarrassing Brian William as a self back slapping, bull shitting, self promoter was so exciting that the media is doing the same gimmick to Bill O’Reilly.

In his 2012 book “Killing Kennedy,” O’Reilly wrote that he knocked on the door of a South Florida home when suddenly he “heard the shotgun blast that marked the suicide” of George de Mohrenschildt, a Russian immigrant who knew Lee Harvey Oswald. While promoting the book, O’Reilly said on Fox News that he “was about to knock on the door” when de Mohrenschildt “blew his brains out with a shotgun.”

This tape proves Big Bill misremembers the event and makes the rest of the media feel self satisfied.

Read more at cnn.com.

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