Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe Star In a Music Video Montage For Their Film Swiss Army Man

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What looks like will be the weirdest movie of the year, Swiss Army Man, has a weird music video titled “Montage of ‘Montage'” to match. The video shows Paul Dano finding a best friend in Daniel Radcliffe’s dead body. The movie was the talk of Sundance, with many critics bashing it or walking out before they were able to see how it is actually a great film with a unique plot (according to others at least).

So if you have ever wanted to see Harry Potter himself do his best impression of Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s then this movie is for you! The film follows Dano’s character finding Radcliffe’s body washed ashore and forming a friendship with it, even naming it Manny, but it turns out “Manny” may have some magical powers.

You will be able to see Swiss Army Man when it is released in theaters on June 24th.

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