Leslie Mann: Judd Apatow Had No Game

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Or did he?

Leslie Mann told Seth Meyers that when her husband, Judd Apatow courted her 20 years ago, he had no game.  Monday night on Late Night Leslie described in detail how she and Judd met when they were working on the movie The Cable Guy.  Leslie said she didn’t know Judd was flirting when he sent his sister over to her trailer to tell her about how many women Judd was dating.

Leslie said Apatow invited her out, and despite repeated attempts on her part to cancel, he persisted and got her to go out with him. His first date with his future wife included attending a basketball game, going to his place for some “home cooked” spaghetti with Ragu sauce, and Wonder Bread with Fleishman’s margarine. The romance continued with a viewing of Apatow’s movie “Heavyweights” which if you’re unfamiliar is a film about kids at a fat camp.

Before you give Apatow too much shit for the date, remember this. It worked. Of course it didn’t hurt that Mann’s last boyfriend was a homeless guy that lived in his car.

Leslie Mann is out promoting the movie How to Be Single, in theaters this Friday.

Later, Leslie Mann explained a clip where she and co-star Dakota Fanning were doing some serious flirting with a reporter during a press junket. At first, she said, Judd wasn’t thrilled but now it’s all good, and did Seth Meyers just say he wanted to have sex with Leslie, Judd Apatow and a junket reporter?

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