Jim Carrey Calls Jerry Brown a Fascist, and CDC Corrupt

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Earlier this week California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill in to law requiring all Cali kids to be vaccinated, removing exemptions based on religion or philosophical objections to vaccination.

Comedian Jim Carrey, who doesn’t believe in the current forced vaccinations took to twitter and called out the Governor. “California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in manditory [sic] vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped” he said.

In later tweets, Carrey insists he is not anti vaccine, he is just anti- current vaccines which he says make use of mercury and thimerosal, claiming that the CDC knows that the use of mercury and thimerosal in vaccines is dangerous. He says the CDC doesn’t want to have to admit they were wrong.

Politico.com reports that current vaccines either have eliminated the the two compounds, or that only trace amounts continue to be used in vaccines.

Carrey has become as well known for his advocacy that not only includes his position on vaccination, but also for his positions on gun control.

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