Gad Elmaleh Performs Stand Up on the Late Show

Gad Elmaleh made his his network stand up debut in America on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Thursday night. He’s now a New York based comedian, via France, via Morocco and he’s continuing his comedy invasion of the U.S. as he’s getting ready for his North American tour which will be done in English, (not his first language). As part of his set, Gad talked about his move to NYC and how speaking a new language is like walking a tight rope with the native New Yorkers, there’s no room for even one mistake, no matter how small. He learned that when he asked a taxi driver to take him to “G.F.K. Airport”. The popular and charming European comic who is looking to make a name for himself in the states, also had some confusion about cabbies. He doesn’t understand how they can be on the phone for so long and while seemingly doing a monologue. Gad wonders why no one is ever talking on the other side of the conversation and what their phone plan is like that they get so many minutes.

Translating his comedy to English couldn’t have been easy for Gad Elmaleh, but he more than makes up for it with his universal facial expressions which can be equally funny. He’s still trying to decipher American sayings and phrases though and learning to meet people since he’s single. (Yes, you did just hear ladies swoon). Plus, Gad admits he still has plenty to learn about American comedy. Watch the clip below to see Gad Elmaleh explain what he found out about getting off stage while performing in New York City.

Starting in 2017, Gad Elmaleh will be on his Oh My Gad tour of North America. He’ll be performing at the world famous Carnegie Hall in New York City on Saturday, February 11, 2017. To get tickets and see all his tour dates, go to